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Coronavirus – Clinic Health & Safety Practice

Lockdown Update

The position of our professional body, The Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by our qualified practitioner are a medical or health service and, accordingly, we plan to stay open as usual.

During a lockdown we as a clinic will dispense herbal medicines for anyone who is suffering from any disorder including upper respiratory problems as well as Covid-19.

We are still open for people who are in need of urgent help from acupuncture relating to their physical or mental well-being.

Our overriding priority is the safety of patients and staff and we continue to wear the appropriate PPE. We sanitise and clean the rooms after each treatment and observe social distancing.

Please be aware that the possibility of complete closure remains, if the government decides to stop acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine and tells us to close. If this happens we will update our website and contact all those clients who have booked appointments.

Health & Safety for Customers attending the Clinic

In the interests of customer and staff safety during this time please be aware of the following guidance and clinic practices:

What to bring to an appointment…

1. Towels – we recommend 2 bath towels and a standard towel
2. Face mask
3. Plastic carrier to isolate your clothes
4. Cash or cheque with cheque card (card payment is currently erratic)

  • If you have even minor symptoms of a cold please do NOT book or attend appointments, we are happy to reschedule
  • Antibacterial sprays and wipes are used constantly to clean treatment beds, handles, doors etc
  • Hand wash on arrival AND before you leave
  • Paper towels have been introduced
  • Antibacterial gel will be provided, subject to availability
  • Staff will wear facemasks


NHS 111 Online


The clinic is open

Please check the Coronavirus tab on our Main Menu for more detailed information.

Please use the website Contact Form or leave a phone message if you wish to make contact.
020 8441 6478 & 07943 508191

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